Mediaplayer texture not autoclearing

Is this broken in 5.1+?

Have a media texture, and a media player. The texture is set to autoclear.
Open the source, close the source, open a new source, the last frame from the last video is still seen. Even with a delay. It’s my understanding that autoclear is supposed to set it to the colour indicated when closed, and it’s not doing that.

I’m on 5.3 and this does indeed appear to be broken, unless I’m missing something? Even with autoclear enabled in my media texture, the frame that the media source was displaying upon being closed in BP continues to show - both during play and in-editor.

I’m currently using a clunky workaround whereby a scalar parameter is hooked to a multiply node which in turn modifies the media texture’s signal being fed into the base color channel of my television screen’s material. I then have a dynamic material instance of said material applied to the screen of my television BP in its construction script. By setting the scalar parameter value for the dynamic material instance upon the on/off events for my television (a value of 1.0 for “on” and 0 for “off”) it effectively turns the screen to full brightness when turned on, and to black when turned off - hiding the residual media frame that would otherwise be displaying (I still close the media player to keep it from continuously playing in the “off” state)

This works fine for my purposes but obviously it would be better if the default autoclear behavior for the media texture functioned as expected - @crossmr did you ever find a solution on your end?

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