I have a problem with MediaPlayer ‘File or URL’ section. Ive got UDK 4.7.5 and when i
m trying to put into mentioned section HTTP URL it interprets it as relative path and puts project base path in front of it.
I have checked CPP code and there it is, in https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/release/Engine/Source/Runtime/MediaAssets/Private/Assets/MediaPlayer.cpp
in line 253 we have:
const FString FullUrl = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::IsRelative(URL) ? FPaths::GameContentDir() / URL : URL);
IsRelative() function of FPath does not intepret HTTP address as non relative. Was it made intentionally? I have tried other path options, with ‘//’ start, but it didn`t helped.
I would appreciate any help with this because i can`t put on-line streamed video into my level.