What happens when you go to File → Cook Content for Windows. This should cook your project but not do a full package, does it come out with 0 errors/warning?
I’ve created a media texture for a short video to play on a Tv in my scene and It works in the editor but does not play after being packaged. I’ve looked for a fix but none of them seem to work. I also switched through all sorts of different file types for the video (.mp4, .wmv, .avi). All of the fixes I’ve tried are also from over a year ago and I’m on a much newer version. I can’t seem to find anything that works for 4.17 so does anyone have any ideas how to get this working?
Thanks in advance,
Is your movie in the /Content/Movies/ folder? If not, it won’t get packaged.
How are you initiating playback?
The most common mistake is to wire up a Play node directly after the OpenSource node in Blueprint. this might work in PIE, but is usually not going to work in packaged builds. it may take some time for the media to resolve and open after OpenSource. either set the PlayOnOpen checkbox on the MediaPlayer and only call OpenSource, or hook up the OnMediaOpenedEvent in your BP and call Play from there.
Yep, if you can get those warnings down to 0 as well then we can root out those issues as being part of your problem, I know its tedious but it will benefit your project. Fixing redirects and making sure your assets are linking correctly is important and sometimes a material is using a texture that has been moved but the old file location is still in memory so it throws those warnings or doesn’t load the file. more info…
I just cooked it and it came out with 0 errors but 92 warnings
Yes, I put the file in my movies folder and then imported it from there
Ok. Next step would be to check the log file for messages.
Can you attach your log file? Thanks!
Hmm… no idea. Looks like a bunch of assets fail to cook.
I have the PlayOnOpen checked in the MediaPlayer and have the blueprint set up with the Event BeginPlay connected to Open Source and the target as the Media Player Variable. I set it up following the “Playing Videos in a Level” document exactly.
Ok, upon searching through the log It is saying it failed to load any asset associated with the video file.
Any idea as to why they would be failing?
i think the problem is in you url , for example in your log file :
[2017.10.23-16.36.59:052][398]LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: FileMediaSource with WmfFileMediaSourceFactory (0 0 …/…/…/…/…/…/Users//Desktop/Unreal_stansbury/Stansbury/Content/Geometry/movies/goatapalooza.wmv)
the movies folder should to be on your root content folder , try to change url to /movies/goatapalooza.wmv and put your movie in there . ( it should be a relative path)
This fixed the problem thank you so much!!
Hi dude , i use 5.0 EA i have same issue how can i solved this issue movie files are inthe project folder and content and movie file…
Hi, I have still this problem in 5.3.2. My movie is in the folder content/MOVIES. Does anyone found solution?