So here’s a bug which can be reproduced in UE4.17.1.
I found this out because I wanted to create a TV screen which opens a video file on BeginPlay. It worked, until I went fullscreen using F11 (may not crash the first time).
Here’s how to reproduce the bug:
(As a precaution, when I made a blank project, I hit play and then hit F11 ten times to make sure the crash wasn’t occurring straight away).
- Open a blank project.
- Drop your video file into the content folder.
- Create a media player asset and media texture.
- Create a material and drag the Media Texture in there, connect it up to either base color or emissive color, and hit save/apply.
- Create an actor BP.
- Create an object inside the BP which the video created earlier will be viewed on (plane).
- Drop your material onto that object.
- Create two variables. One will have a type “Media Player” and the other will be a “Media Source”.
- Hit compile and set these variables to the media player and source of your video.
- In the BP Event Graph, add a getter for each of your two variables.
- drag off of the Media Player getter and add an “Open Source” node.
- Connect the node to your ‘BeginPlay’ event.
- Connect the Media Source getter to the Media Source input on the ‘Open Source’ node.
- Compile and save the BP and drag it into your world. The object should be black.
- Hit ‘Play (in editor)’. At this point, your video should be playing on the object you put into your BP.
- Finally, hit F11 until the editor freezes and crashes (You do not have to rapidly hit the button) (should take less than 10x F11’s. Usually happens on the first 4 tries).
I hope this bug gets fixed in the next update; I heard someone was having a similar problem in 4.16.