Media Player not working. Do I need Electra?

I’m using unreal 5.4.3 and I’m having an issue where the Media player doesn’t seem save what video I want to play. I create the Media player file, select the media File source I want, and save. I have the Media Texture piped into a material that is on a plane in a sequence. It seems fine, save, then restart unreal and the video is no longer listed in the Media Player and is back to blank.

It also seems to only play the video if I have the Media Player open and have it playing. If I just play the sequence it just holds on a frame.

I’ve seen some videos saying I need the Electra plugin, but its description says its for streaming, which I’m not doing.

Hey there @Sentmassen! Is the media file itself outside of the project? This can often cause broken file associations. Usually you’d make a Movies folder inside of the content folder to safely house closed reference files like this.

I’m seeing the same behavior…with or without Electra.

An update after digging around…It seems like this is the issue I was facing…when Media Textures are auto generated it checks on “Enable new style output”. Unchecking this seems to have fixed the issue.

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The movie folder is under Content. But the game structure I’m working with is a bit odd. They had it placed in one folder deep (Content/game/Movies). I had moved it because it seemed wrong but now I’m unsure. I don’t know what they have done under the hood for such a structure. It might come down to me having a movie folder in both locations and just seeing which works.

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