Media player not working after packaging

Ok, I don’t know what is the problem with my game that I cannot pack video with it. I did it in the separate empty project and it is working, but inside my project it doesn’t. I did exactly the same thing and the screen where it should be appears black. In editor everything works fine. My video is inside movie folder in the content, I call the function to turn it on(it is not auto play), I tried with blueprint and in level blueprint… I dont know what to do and this is very important to me.
Here are the blueprint photos:

You can see blueprint where my video is working after packing. I did the same thing in the other one but there is a black screen.
Please help, this is very important to me!

I just found out that the working packed game is in version 4.7.6 and the NOT working pack is in 4.8.3. I tried the same thing in empty 4.8.3 and it is not working. So it must be a bug in 4.8.3 version… hm?

For anyone with the same problem:
In .ini settings change PoolSizeVRAMPercentage to the higher number and it will work. At least it worked for me :slight_smile:

First thing copy your movie file to the content\movies folder in your project.
Import the file in UE4… this will create Media Player Asset in the editor…

Open up the new Asset and in the File or URL section reset the URL/file.
Next click on the ‘File or URL’ again and add the file you want to play…

Notice that the paths change completely from absolute to relative path.

this will now package correctly and play from any location.


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Fantastic! been trying to find solution to this problem for months! why has this not been documented anywhere else??

@, which .ini contains the PoolSizeVRAMPercentage command? Thank you for your help!,

Thank you, it worked for me too. Saved my project.

Just to clarify a bit. Cuz I didn’t understand why. When you open movie assets in editor, you get yellow warning. The warning says that the movie has to be in Content/Movies in order to package up.