I’m trying to create an Echo Effect with a video as seen here:
I have 2 identical video files, Media01 and Media02.
I’m overlaying Media02 over 01, pausing Media02 every second 1.2 seconds behind the current seektime of Media01
My blueprint works as expected at first but then the gaps between pauses in media02 get longer and longer after the 20 second mark.
I don’t know why.
Blueprint and the contents of the function getting called every second.
I also attached the log where I got the current time of Media01 and Media02 every tick.
There are desired time changes in Media02 Play Time at [2016.07.26-09.25.16:462][ 20] and [2016.07.26-09.25.18:461][ 92] and [2016.07.26-09.25.19:450][129] but for some reason, Media02 stays stuck at 20.793268 for 7 seconds and not updating properly.