Essentially, I’m running four media players through event tracks. They all run into the same master material and are used as texture object parameters. So they should be quite efficient. I suppose I should note that these are 4K videos (24fps) as they conform to a 4K UV map. (Btw, I’m pretty sure that the engine caps media textures at “2304^2 px” but I could be wrong.)
Anyways, the problem is that whenever the event track activates my blueprint, I begin to have fps issues. Originally, I thought this was a V-Sync issue, but after extensive testing, I don’t believe that’s the cause. I do have a quite capable rig as well, GTX 1070, i7 6700k, SSDs, 32GB RAM, and a 1440p 144hz monitor. So I’m not sure what the issue is with the media players.
To specify the frame rate dips, I get 110fps then drop 20-40fps, then on top of that once every second or two it literally stutters and then jumps ahead. This is of course, very frustrating since the media players are a huge component of my scene, as I have a stack of TVs that utilize them.