I am having trouble getting the Blueprint node/function ‘Play’ to work with the Media Player.
You can see me post for more detailed info: How to import and play audio and video files on UE 4.13 - Audio - Epic Developer Community Forums
This is on Windows 8.1
Do not call Play right after OpenXYZ. It’s not going to work, because it may take some time to open the media. Either check the PlayOnOpen checkbox in your MediaPlayer asset, or bind to the OnMediaOpened event.
But I might not want to play the move straight away. What if I want to start it at certain times? Actually I suppose I could then ‘Open’ the media at the time when I want to actually start it?
What is the Play function meant to do?
Then you can call Play later. You just can’t chain it right after Open. That will only work if the movie opens instantaneously, which is almost never the case. One way is to handle the OnMediaOpened and OnMediaOpenedFailed events. You can also check the IsReady function to verify that playback is possible.
Open loads the media, initializes the decoder, and parses the media information. Play initiates playback. You should call Close when you’re done playing the media in order to release all the resources associated with it.
Great! Thanks a lot for the clarification.