Media Framework 360 Video?

Has there been any traction on this front or Chris? We’ve been stuck in Unity doing do all our 360 video work. I came sniffing around after reading the article about capturing 360 video from the editor by Ninja Theory, but when I fired up 4.12.1 today to test I got the same sad results with HD mp4 files being super slow to play. The movies import correctly, and at the right resolution, they are sharp in the texture viewer, but in translation through material to sphere in the editor they get all pixelated. This is literally the only thing right now keeping us from fully moving to UE4 for all our applications. Thanks for looking into things.

Still working on it. Windows has H.264 support now, but I can’t integrate it into the Master branch until all player plug-ins are upgraded.

As for your pixelated videos, what resolution are they in?

good to hear it is still being worked on. The 2K is 2048x1024 and the 4K is 4096x2048 both movies play fine outside of Unreal but are really slow in Engine and their quality goes way down. It’s understandable that there’s a lot of computation going on to map the video to the sphere, but I don’t believe it should be so slow. Unity can play 4K videos in editor without a hitch. I can even stream 2K videos directly to my mobile app.
Thanks for continuing to work on it. (I’ve attached a comparison screenshot of a 4k video to show the quality degradation)


Thanks, we’re pretty close to getting the new Android player working, and then we’ll take a look at the quality.

This is all good news! Thanks for all the work. What’s the timeframe for getting the player plug-ins updated?

I probably need another two weeks until the first check-in into the master branch. Officially, Media 2.0 is planned to be released with 4.13.

We have the new Android player working, and it looks pretty good. 4k video playing crisp and fast on a Galaxy S7.

Might be a little early but any progress? Also interested to see the next implementation. I imagine it will be available on Github before official 4.13 release?

I would love to get access to this! I have a project going out on Friday to internals and out to the public end of July. Any chance this will make it into master this week or when will preview 1 of 4.13 be coming along?

Any news on this…

Just trying to create a menu structure system and a 360Video player…
4k (4096x2048 -30fps) just seems to be sooooooooo slow and jumpy…even on good hardware

i7 (4Ghz) - 980Ti (24G-Ram) / 256G SSD

Didn’t make it into 4.9 and news when it might ?
This feature will stop a lot of people moving to Unity…especially as 360Video is the thing of the moment !
I really don’t want to go down that path …invested too much time and sweat !

Hey I think I’m seeing the “flushing” state issue you described here:

If I set to transparent the joystick button images on the touch interface (yes, I know it’s nonsense to you it on Gear VR…) then the video is rendered all wrong, like a weird triangle on the screen. But if I leave a very tiny and non-transparent button then everything seems alright. That’s how I’m working around now but I’m wondering what the right solution for this. I tested on both 4.13.2 and 4.14.1 and on both the bug persists.


I have a new fix for 4.15. You can try replacing with the latest version from GitHub master here: link text


I was wondering if this upgrade made it to 4.14. At the moment I am using media framework and am mapping monoscopic wmv 360 video onto an inverted sphere and the CPU really starts choking up during playback. This causes the HTC VR to drop frames and you get lag in movement of your headset and controllers. I am running i5-2500, which is not the latest, I know. It’s not a problem purchasing a better CPU, but would appreciate a comment on the status of the 4k video playback and how to increase performance.


There were several performance updates in 4.13 and 4.14. Some more will come in 4.16. Give it a shot and see how far you get. Report back any problems or issues (in a new AnswerHub thread), thanks!

Hi there,

I rendered out a video using the stereoscopic 360 plugin pipeline. I am now displaying just one of the panoramic videos (4k, 60fps) within a material that is applied to the inside of a sphere, and there are regular performance drops on the GPU (I have a GTX 1080). Is there any way to support smooth video feedback on the video sphere?

Playing a full 4K video still has issues. We’ve been using Unity because of this. I suspect that it has something to do with the streaming of the texture at that resolution, because you can split a 4k video in half and put it on 2 planes stacked on top of each other and it plays back just fine.