Is there a good way of measuring dimensions quickly.
I’m trying to find out how large space is within my map, is there a quick way of doing this as I’ve imported a mesh and all I can get are “scale” values and I’m trying to convert these into metres?
If you’re in one of the orthogonal views, you can hold down middle/scroll click and drag to see measurements in UE4 units - which afaik, 1 unreal unit = 1cm
would you please so kinf to copy it in a *.txt file tht it’s possible for the community to paste it!? Or is that not possible like it is for materials?
Thank you in advance for that.
how do i use this txt ? just started with UE4 , and im trying to make my house my frist project lol cant find a way to measure, some free assets are way to big others small and i need help to make the flor and wals on the same size . thanks