Maze Creator Support Thread

Im thinkg on buy it but i want to know if i can generate a level or a maze and after save the map to decorate it with tramps, lights, enemies, etc.

Yes. Once you find a maze that you like, you can make it always use that seed when generating, and the maze will be the same each time. Then you can decorate the map/maze however you would like in the editor.

Could you add custom controls to place doors manually ? I really mean having more than just the two real in and out doors to the maze. It could be useful to edit the whole maze manually selecting in editor so that the maze could become really weird or even impossible to solve. Using BSP subtraction on the maze meshes doesn’t work right ? So you should add blueprint code to allow the user to edit manually. I would like to modify the maze when created.

Hello Jamendxman3,

I’m really enjoying working with your Maze Creator blueprint. I have a couple of problems I’m trying to resolve, one of which I’ve posted elsewhere. I am new to UE4 and Blueprints, but not entirely inexperience with this style of coding. Hoping you can offer advice.

I am using a single level, which a single instance of Maze creator and am trying to control it solely via Blueprint. Its going well so far thanks to your foresight in the BP design. I do need some help on the following issues.

  • When regenerating the maze, the MazeCreator > Remove Old Maze function doesn’t seem to destroy / remove the box collision actors added at the start & end. This means, if I dynamically regenerate the maze, there is still a maze start and maze end collision box left from the previous maze config. Result is the on start/end overlap events fire when you walk over the old box collision primitives (in the old entry / exit locations). I’ve had no luck working out how to modify the remove Old Maze function to deal with these box surplus collision actors. I just don’t know how to target and destroy them.

-** Floor Mesh Tiling, material scaling. **I haven’t been able to use floor materials without them scaling up to the full size of the maze area. In practice it appears that the maze floor is a single ISMC that has a scale transform to make it big enough for the whole maze to sit on. This means any material I use is scaled horribly up. Is there a setting I am missing when I choose a floor material?

Loving the work you put into this. Thank you.

I solved the first issue, by creating two Actor Component variables which are set to reference the start and end box collision actors when they are created.
I then added a Destroy Component node to the Remove Old Maze function, targeting the entry and exit via their variables.
Seems to work okay so far.

Hello @Jamendxman3

I wanted to ask about how to get the center of the maze reliably? I wanted to create a room specifically at the center to spawn the player there and Im having trouble with those inconsistencies…