Hi all,
I just tried to activate the Rigging and Animation Toolkit but there was a problem that makes it impossible.
I am using maya 15 with SP4 on windows 7 and the Toolkit from UE 4.5.1 with the latest scripts and fixes from the dropbox provided by Jeremy Ernst in his post in the Unreal forum.
I copied and merged the files from his dropbox with the files provided with the UE 4.5.1 and copied the “userSetup.py”
to my maya scripts folder in my documents directory.
When I sarted maya I was prompted to search for the “mayatools” folder which I did. So everything works fine till I hit the “save” button, to save the path.
As soon as I hit save, maya is going all crazy as you may see in my screen capture.
ScreenCapture → - YouTube
First I thought maybe maya was kind of “reading informations”, but since it keeps doing this for hours, something is definitely wrong. Maya is not usable in this state so, I had to nuke the connection to the toolkit in order for maya to work properly.
Since I seem to be the only one on the web having this problem, it may rather be a computer or software related problem, than a toolkit related problem. But that`s just an ignorant guess.
I hope something can be done about this, since I used the toolkit before, when I was still working with Maya 14 and I really enjoyed working with it.