Maya Toolkit Installation Problem

Hi all,

I just tried to activate the Rigging and Animation Toolkit but there was a problem that makes it impossible.

I am using maya 15 with SP4 on windows 7 and the Toolkit from UE 4.5.1 with the latest scripts and fixes from the dropbox provided by Jeremy Ernst in his post in the Unreal forum.

I copied and merged the files from his dropbox with the files provided with the UE 4.5.1 and copied the “”
to my maya scripts folder in my documents directory.
When I sarted maya I was prompted to search for the “mayatools” folder which I did. So everything works fine till I hit the “save” button, to save the path.
As soon as I hit save, maya is going all crazy as you may see in my screen capture.

ScreenCapture → - YouTube

First I thought maybe maya was kind of “reading informations”, but since it keeps doing this for hours, something is definitely wrong. Maya is not usable in this state so, I had to nuke the connection to the toolkit in order for maya to work properly.

Since I seem to be the only one on the web having this problem, it may rather be a computer or software related problem, than a toolkit related problem. But that`s just an ignorant guess.

I hope something can be done about this, since I used the toolkit before, when I was still working with Maya 14 and I really enjoyed working with it.


FAQ - ART Tool

While the ART tool may work with Maya 2015 it is not been officially tested. This possibly lead to issues that you’re seeing here.

The best place to post ART issues in on the the forums thread linked above.

Thank you!
