Hi all, I’m curious to know if the measurements for unreal engine 4 are the same as in UDK. Will things made to UDK scale work in Unreal 4? I’ve been looking online to find out what the correct grid scale should be in Maya ( and I guess Max too) but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Hi photonarbiter,
They are not actually the same. The scale in UE4 is 1uu=1cm. This should be the scale used when creating objects in a 3D Modelling program. Make sure to export as cm as this is not the standard setting for most 3D modelling programs.
Thanks, I’ll give that a shot.
Be careful! You can set the unit scale in UE4 in the world settings.
At first I was a little confused by this just because its been a while since I had to change my Maya Grid. For those who find this in the future and are wondering, the grid scale that seems to work for me is : Grid Lines every 30. Units with a subdivision count of one.