This is good news!
Good news indeed! This is awesome.
Holy shii
I was just complaining about the polygon limit being a deal breaker for me in another thread. Whats could get better, Taylor Swift announcing she will be doing pop, oh wait, that also happened.
You guys on the Steam version or the standalone? I never knew there was a poly limit. That UE4 feature is sweet though XD
I was wondering if you guys are using the Steam version are you having any issues with scripts at all?
is there a difference between Steam version and the standalone? mudbox needs to go on steam…
Has Python been integrated opposed to Mel Script?
That would be nice but you can get Mudbox for 10/month from Autodesk. I see that MayaLt has a direct to Mudbox also.
Nope. That’s kind of the elephant in the room for me. They really need to add that.
Good new or not because until Mayalt accepts python scripting the animation and Rigging Tools ofErnst will not work
Honestly - Give them feedback via there forums.
Tell them that Python needs to be added.
Zbrush user here. I just need to test if GOZ now works, then I am set.