Maya 2017: UE rigging it needed to install anymore?

Good day fellow UE’ers :).

I came across UE documentation for the Maya toolset for quick rigging to use in UE. I tried to find the links as described in the tutorial, but they do not exist. I even did a search for that but to no avail.

My question is, since Maya 2017 has the quick rig and humanIK, is it still necessary to install the EPIC Games version?


Rig things however you want. Use it, don’t use it, do it yourself, use quick rig… whatever makes your animator happy. It was never a requirement, the engine doesn’t care.

I don’t think the quick rig does fingers or toes - it’s very cool for a quick simple thing but it lacks completeness IMO

HUmanIK on the other hand is a really great tool! :slight_smile:

I use HumanIK and give the bones the same names as the UE4 mannequin’s bones, it makes the retargeting process painless. :slight_smile: