My team and I are working on a massive conversion of assets from Maya to UE4.
All these assets are located in the center of Maya space, they have rotation 0 and scale 1 on all axis.
The script we are working on simply export all the assets in FBX and change the measurement scale by a factor of 10 (in UE4 each asset needs to be 10 time bigger than in Maya).
So for the assets everything works fine: each mesh and textures are imported fine in UE4.
The real mess starts with T3D.
All those assets are referenced in a Set file in Maya. Each reference is instantiated and hidden in scene, so each instance is located, rotated and scaled accordingly with the set dressing.
To export those sets we have started to implement a Maya exporter that simply write a T3D file that contains for each Actor the associated asset Location, Rotation and Scale (considering the Location multiplied accordingly with the new scale of the FBX exported previously).
For the Rotation, considering Maya Y-up and UE4 Z-up, we have applied the (apparently) correct transformation so each R(x,y,z) in Maya is mapped to R(x,z,-y) in UE4.
Everything works just fine, except for 1 or so assets that are rotated in a completely wrong direction compared to Maya.
If the problem is not in the transformation we have applied to the rotation, is there a way to export a set dressing from Maya to UE4 that is formally correct independently to the world coordinate system?