MAY #UE4JAM, May 14 - May 17, Theme: RAINING CATS AND DOGS

I revised a fatal mistake
crash bug
is the new link

Great games! Be sure to tune in on May 28 to see the results :slight_smile:

Awesome work

Our tiny survivor from Lonely Storm is getting ready for the big announcement tomorrow. Check out his snazzy new look!

EDIT: Congratulations Tiny Sir! Looks like you didn’t pull out the suite for nothing!

Thank you to that enjoyed the submission. Lonely Storm was a blast to create and I am looking forward to creating more cool things with UE4 :slight_smile:
Many thanks to Epic for making this event so much fun!


One a more serious note it was a nice experience, I didn’t try all game but some look very promising :slight_smile:

If you worked on one of the winning games and your forum name isnt associated with the project, shoot me a PM so I can get you your badge :slight_smile:

Grats to all the winners!