Looking forward to the stream, haven’t caught one in a while, but I’ve booked time off work, Unity can take a back seat for Friday and the weekend… Good luck :smiley:


If were to provide a free score for my entry would that class as another team member or sourced art with attributions of course?

There’s children present. Shame on you Epic Games for this obscene theme! :stuck_out_tongue:

Beginner here willing to help with rough 3D models. I think I’m getting decent at modeling but I am terrible at UV mapping and texturing. msg me valitrigamingcom

Some stuff I’ve made… Game Development - Album on Imgur

Still looking for a 3D artist, drop me a message if you’re interested :smiley:

Hey guys, I’m entering my first Jam.
Glad I can try new things with you this month.
I was wondering if using the starter content pack was fine in order to get some materials. (ocf we’ll model original meshes, but is it okay to have some starter content assets ?)
Thanks, have fun, have a funny jam and be creative. ;D

Good luck!

This theme fit just right with a project that I was developing. Good Luck!

I tried to enter just as the event was revealed, is that too late?

No it’s not too late @ Nemecys. you have until the deadline.

just wants your info if you can provide it ahead of time is all.

-> “Pre-registration is not required for entry” quoted from the top post. :wink:

Still looking for a 3D artist if there are any left, send me a PM if you’re interested. :slight_smile:

Going to give it a shot! First time I’ve had a to participate in a Game Jam, and I’m excited to try and fit the theme.

Can’t wait to see all of the cool projects.

I’m looking for someone who could make some simple character animations.
Anyone interested?

If you need to animate 3D models, suggest using Adobe tool. It’s free and exports a special .FBX to EU4.

Quick question, as I’ve always handled project submissions through University channels, what’s a good site to upload our submissions to? I don’t suppose a Dropbox link would be sufficient.

I think dropbox is ok, but most people use google drive.
It’s free and works well.

Can I load it into ok ?

It’s free, and running with free software.
Not aware of the size limit though.

This month was a bust. Hardware problems all through Friday and Saturday. I’d just get into the flow and computer would freeze. I also picked a physics heavy game idea; not knowing anything ahead of time about the UE4 physics system. I learned a lot though. Good luck to all of those who submit. I’ll try again in the fall.

Chicken Hunt

[HR][/HR]I was considering submitting this project but I felt that it wouldn’t be right as technically I did build some of it over a weekend back in January as a Personal Hobby Project which I never got around to fully finishing (work on ODIN Tracker got in the way).

Though considering this month’s Game Jam Theme, it would have been a perfect fit so I started working on it a bit more over this weekend and may release it for free for you all to enjoy at some point in the future.

Pixel Art created using Pyxel Edit:

(downscaled by 50%)


NES Zapper Model curtsy of my colleague Benjamin ‘BigFish’ Mikhaiel

NES Zapper Model curtsy of my colleague Benjamin ‘BigFish’ Mikhaiel

NES Zapper Animation curtsy of my colleague Farzad ‘The Animated Flame’ Morshed

[HR][/HR]Full Imgur Album found here: