i like to build my city modular, so here is my question:
when i create an sidewalk/pavement, how many times can i duplicate my “master-mesh”
without bringing down the ue-performance?
thanks a lot for an answer
i like to build my city modular, so here is my question:
when i create an sidewalk/pavement, how many times can i duplicate my “master-mesh”
without bringing down the ue-performance?
thanks a lot for an answer
Hi Loopon, Thanks for your question.
There are no hard and fast limits for how many times you can duplicate an object. The hardware that is used is the main contributing factor to how many items you can work with simultaneously.
hi ,
thanks for your answer!
am i right, when i can use 200 duplications on my “big machine” without losing performance,
that the performance on an distributed game is okay for an “normal customer factory pc in the year 2015”?
It all depends. Are you using static mesh or instanced static mesh, how many polygons, complexity of material, lighting and etc.
I love to use as example my old thread
thanks for the link zeOrb!
so it´s much more complicated as i hoped