Mavic 3E RTK alignment error

Hi there. I have been using Reality Capture for Drone Mapping before but now I encounted a strange error. We recently purchased the Mavic 3E with an RTK system.

When I try to align the images with the RTK information it mis-aligns some of the images. If I check the camera Prior pose information - the altitude is the same as the correctly aligned images. See image.

The images are made using the DJI RC Pro flight path and it automatically takes a bunch of images and tilts the gimbal position during the flight. All of the wrongly aligned images are the ones tilted in “reverse” and are upside down during the flight.

How can I avoid this in the alignment process?

I tried to change the Prior Pose - Absolute postion to only use the position and set the model to Brown4 with tangential2. It did fix some of the images, but not all of them.

The strange this is, that 1/5 of the images are probably these upside-down images and most of them are correctly aligned.

Any suggestions?

Hi @VejleKommune,
are the Position and orientation values correctly imported into RealityCapture?
By “upside down” do you mean the image showed in 2D view? What do you see as its rotation setting under IMAGE 2D/VIEW/Display/Rotation?
You wrote it tilts the images automatically. Are those tilts correct after that?
Theoretically, you can set the Absolute pose for such images as Unknown and keep only the “good” ones in the alignment process.
Have you tried to change the Prior pose in the actual project or in the new one?

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The rotation on the images are “normal” in the 2d view

By tilted images I mean, that the drone tilts the gimbal during the flight to optime the pathways.

Digging deeper into the meta data of the images it looks like there are two sets of data in the meta data of each image. I just wrote to DJI and they claim that the data are from the RTK module. So this should (hopefully) be correct.

It looks like it fails to use the absolute position in the alignment phase, even though it has the correct values.


The altitude is 241.62 and 241.51 on the images marked on the overview. These should no the so far apart in the alignment?

It is hard to say why those images are wrongly aligned.
Are they on the edge of the dataset? If you check the features detected on those images are they covering the whole part of the image?
The new alignment are you trying in new project or in the same project? Are the results the same if you will try to align the data from the scratch?
Also, as those are the RTK data you can try to set higher precision for the images and also Position prior hardness setting.

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It is still in the same project and the images are in the middle of the area I did the drone flight in.

I will try and change the precision settings and see if this helps. I tried to remove the images from the alignment and then it made a model that looks correctly. So I will try to use this for now.

But since we just bought the RTK drone, it would be nice to get the workflow fully working for future projects :slight_smile: I’m pretty sure there will be another project in the future.

Thanks for the feedback for now. If this happens on the next project it would be nice to figure out, why and how to fix it!

Hi @VejleKommune,
DJI RC Pro flight path - is it DJI Mavic 3 Pro are you using?