Matrix Demo Mesh's

Hey im teaching myself how to make games, and have got the matrix demo assets. Was wondering what the legality of using some of the meshs in my game is ? cant seem to find any information online.

I would assume its not okay to use some of the meshs, But would be cool if i could. Just the screwdrivers, office stuff and tools are what im interested in.

but as i said, i do not expect theyre free use.

Anyway, thankyou for taking the time to read my question and for your insight :slight_smile:

Hey @MushyFart!

While I doubt that they are able to be used in any commercial capacity, you should reach out to Unreal Marketplace support, they will be able to tell you exactly how and on what terms you can use these assets if you can use them in a commercial game. You can reach out to them with the following link:

Good luck on your game!

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Hey @MushyFart!

Checking in, was the above link the solution you needed?

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Hey Quet, sorry dude im deep in trying to figure out physics doors x) and didnt check up on the forums.

Yes thankyou, I clicked the link and it took me straight to where I can get legality answered. Im sure this will be priceless when it actually comes to asking those questions.
Will have to check preferably before I start dropping objects in everywhere :slight_smile:

I appreciate your answer + time.
