I was wondering if it’s possible to do a matrix conversion of an XYZ color value to an sRGB value? I can’t find any info to it in the documentation or online or don’t use the correct search terms 
The matrix is the following:
3.2404542 -1.5371385 -0.4985314
-0.9692660 1.8760108 0.0415560
0.0556434 -0.2040259 1.0572252
Thanks in advance
Where are you getting the XYZ from, is it a variable?
Yes a variable I look up from as CSV file.
What variable type are you reading it into?
The XYZ value is a vec3 and converts into a vec3 RGB by the matrix. Then use the RGB value to change a color of a light.
Thanks so much for the setup. Apologies if I wasn’t clear, but I want to do the Matrix calculation in the Blueprint and I get the XYZ value from the CSV file. The proces is like described here: 0.31www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?ColorCalculator.html Or here with the use of code: sRGB↔XYZ conversion — mina86.com
The process would be:
- Data lookup from CSV file for XYZ value
- Do matrix conversion on the XYZ value to get the sRGB value.
- Use the converted sRGB value to change the color of a light.
Hope this clarifies the question.
Unless you’re using a plugin ( or C++ ), I think you need a data table to read CSV input.
Then you can do any computations you need, here

Then, a light can be set with the linear color.
But do you know of a way to the matrix computations in the blueprint without having to create a lot of multiply, add and minus nodes? A matrix conversion is something that happens a lot in Graphics and hoped there would be an easier way of doing the computation 
I think you just need to write a function