Matinee movement doesn't work if simulate physics

I was playing around with matinee in a test first person project and was momentarily thrown when some actors movement track animations would play while others wouldn’t. After checking all the settings on the actors and turning things off and on I discovered that the movement track will not work if simulate physics is turned on for the actor you are trying to move.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or intentional? I can see how the physics would override a movement path so maybe it is intentional.

Hi. did you figure it out ? I have the same issue. =/

I decided that it just doesn’t work. It seems to be an either or thing: Either simulate physics or movement track. You can use a Matinee event track to simulate physics at a certain point in your Matinee. I didn’t try all combos but you could try swapping in and out identical actors to switch between no physics and with physics using a visibility track.
I have since made a few video tutorials on Matinee including one on the event track. See the playlist here: