Matinee Lift in Class

Hello there, I’m trying to create an floor made of 9 rising platforms that all act separately. So to make it easier I’m trying to do it in a class. The problem I’m having is the lack of options for putting a matinee in a actor class.
So how would I create a rising platforms that activates upon collision in class blueprint?

Why are you using matinee to animate the platforms? You could use a timeline and make each platform its own actor.

Sorry I’m new to this, how would I go about doing that in timeline?

Alright, here is how I would do it. First create an actor blueprint.

In the first image I created a small platform with a trigger box on top of it to detect when a player enters or exits the platform area.


Then I created a blueprint that will raise the platform when a player enters the area, and lower it when a player leaves the area using a timeline.


Here is an image of the Timeline I created. Right click in your blueprint area and type add timeline. Inside the timeline click the f* to add a float track. Then inside of the float track right click to add a curve point. Select the curve point you created and set the time and value variables of it to 0. Right click again and create another curve point, this time set both values to 1. Now you have a timeline that will control the alpha for your lerp (Linear Interpolation).


Let me know if you have any other questions.

I’ve tried this, copied how you have it down. Now when I put the class actor into the level, and I step enter the collision box. The actor shot into a random direction to the side.


Object Viewport

Blueprint Left/ Object end position right

Blueprint Left/ Object start position right

You don’t need any class actors, The blueprint above is the only thing you need. Post an image of your blueprint.

One problem is that you have teleport checked. which means the object won’t interpolate but instead just move within a frame. Secondly try using AddLocalOffset instead of Set World Location

Just had some time to mess around with it and here is the working script:

The bottom timeline’s points are reversed. so the point at 0 time has a value of 1 and the point at time 1 has a value of 0.


Check out that comment above yours.

Sorry about that world location, I was just trying things to get it to work. I’ve removed the teleport, but it’s still jumping to the same location.

No problem, please accept the answer to help others.

Thanks, got it working now> I really appreciate the help.