This is a very strange problem that has occurred in my project.
Within the matinee editor, if I try to change the value of the red or green handle, they snap to zero and cannot be moved.
The real problem is if I try to change them from this zero point, within moments it causes my pc to stall to the point where i can only see my mouse cursor jerking within the bounds of the track view graph, I cannot even open task manager to end the process and am forced to reboot my pc (I have tested this 3 separate times in different matinee actors, all 3 times the stalling occurs).
- This problem doesn’t occur in any other projects i have.
- This problem does occur with any matinee actor, new or old within that specific project.
I have no clue as to what could have caused this problem, I was working with matinee at the time but was only doing rather basic things with it such as animating a static mesh and calling a few events.
Thanks in advance.
Matt v Zyl
Turning snap off allows for changes to be made to the red and green handles, having snap on still causes the above mentioned problem.
Hello Sandstrike,
This is a strange problem.
From what you have described, and the fact that you cannot recreate this issue in any other project, it does appear to be a project specific issue.
Following your steps for recreation I attempted to recreate your issue within a test project.
These are the steps I followed
1.) Created a new blank project.
2.) Added a matinee actor which opens the matinee editor window
3.) Added a new camera group
4.) Attempted to move the green or red tabs from the zero position on the timeline track
I did not experience the stall or the snapping back to zero.
If any of these steps differ from what you have done please let me know.
There are a few things I would like to know and ask of you in order to try and recreate the problem you are having.
1.) If you would please link me your DxDiag
2.) If you would please link me .uproject, content, and config folders for that project or a copy of your project.
These are so I can isolate where this problem is originating and recreate it within a controlled test using exactly the settings and parameters that you are using.
Thank you for reporting this issue, and I will continue to research this problem.
Hello ,
Everything was working fine when I started, but after I played around for a little while in matinee the problem suddenly began. I can’t think of anything out of the ordinary that i did that may have cause the issue.
In any case, here is the link to a zip folder containing the requested files:
Thank you for your efforts.
Hello Sandstrike,
What I have done is download your project and opened it in UE4.
These are the steps I took to try and recreate your matinee issue:
1.) Open your project in UE4
2.) Clicked on the Matinee actor in your project and opened up the Matinee editor window.
3.) Turned on Snap
4.) Added a Camera
5.) Added some key frames
6.) Used the green and red tabs and randomly moved these tabs
In an attempt to randomly do different things inside of matinee and create a freeze I did the above mentioned steps 4-6.
I was unable to recreate what you were experiencing. There are a few things I noticed about your scene that could cause a freeze. There are many movable lights inside of your scene. These are the most expensive lights that UE4 offers and takes up plenty of GPU calculation. There is also the issue of your graphics card. Although it does support DirectX11 this card may be struggling to calculate everything that you are trying to do with your scene.
I recommend that you change your movable lights to stationary or static and build lighting. This way you are not constantly updating the calculations of your movable lights. I also recommend that you have everything else closed on your PC while editing your project. Do this and see if that fixes the issue.
I am unable to recreate what you have experienced on my end with a GTX 770 and 32 GB of Ram. As I cannot recreate this issue and This does not happen in any other project I cannot enter it as a bug.
Let me know if any of the above mentioned troubleshoots fixes the issue.
Thank you,
Hello ,
I have tested a copy of the project on a different pc with UE4.8.3 and have gotten the same problem with matinee. The pc did slow up but I was able to stop Unreal (it was not responding) in the task manager.
I restarted the project (still on the 2nd pc) and removed all the lights and rebuilt the lighting. The snapping problem still occurred (with new and existing matinee actors) but i didn’t get any stalling or a freeze and the editor remained functioning.
Again i restarted the project (still on the 2nd pc), set all the lights to stationary and rebuilt the lighting. The snapping problem occurred again (with new and existing matinee actors) but again there was no stalling or freeze and the editor remained functioning.
Just to make sure, i restarted again (still on the 2nd pc) with the lights as they were (movable etc.) and attempted to recreate the problem. Again the snapping problem occurred (with new and existing matinee actors) but there was no stalling or freeze and the editor remained functioning.
It seems to me that its very much a problem specific with the project.
Thank you for your help.
Hello Sandstrike,
Not a problem. I am sorry you are still having this problem. As I was unable to reproduce this issue I cannot file a bug report. I will be moving this from Bug Reports into Using UE4 and closing this thread. If you still are having this problem and are able to reproduce it in another project then please post here again. I will then continue to address this issue at that time.
Thank you for reporting this,