Matinee - Editor freeze

Hello everyone,

I am having a big problem with my current project:
When I add a MatineeActor to the level and click on another actor in the SceneOutliner to add the actor to the Matinee the editor completely freezes and after a minute crashes without any notice / error. It just closes.

I am also having this problem when I create a new, empty level and just add one actor, so it’s not a corrupted level.
But I can use Matinee without any problems in another project.

Did someone else experience this problem before? Can it be an issue with plugins?
I am using the Joystick plugin, Substance and Victory.
I am using 4.6, I just tested with an old version of my project in 4.5.1 and got the same problem.

Any help is appreciated!

Hello Picster,

I have attempted to reproduce your issue on my end, but with no luck. Could you provide me with your dxdiag? Your problem could potentially be hardware related, but I am unsure as of now.

Also, have you tried disabling these plugins and testing to see if you can get the Matinee to function properly? If not, go ahead and try this and let me know if this resolves your issue. Because plugins are 3rd party they can, but should not usually, affect other aspects and features of the engine.

Thank you,