Hi all! What math skills i need to build games like FPS Multiplayer, RTS, etc… with blueprints?
hey mate,
its hard to answer something like this, since it depends on which areas you are working on.
But you should be able to use at least ±*/
I guess most of the problems during development can be easily be solved with simple math operations like you learned in school.
If you are familiar with matrices (this involves vectors as well, as it is a matrix-type) it would be handy for 3D-Transformations.
But even if you are not an expert in math you can get along, as you solve your upcoming problems by learning through asking the community, trying different approaches and so on
so dont be afraid… math isnt an *******nice person
I’m terrible at math, but I get along alright. Remember this:
99% of coding (specifically coding with blueprints) isn’t math related–it’s logic. It’s following a flow of data and making sure it goes where you want it to.
Of the 1% of coding that IS math, 99% is simple stuff, like says.
Of the 1% of that 1% that IS more complicated, 99% of those problems have a solution on this page, so bookmark it: http://www.unrealtexture.com/Unreal/Downloads/3DEditing/UnrealEd/Tutorials/unrealwiki-offline/unrealscript-vector-maths.html
Algebra and ‘Vector Math’ are must have.
Don’t try shortcuts on these, try and learn to enjoy it because you’ll need’em.
I second this. Vector Math is extremely important in Game Development. It will make your life so much easier if you understand the concepts behind these 2 fields.
Thanks all!
Linear Algebra AKA Vector Math. Some of it is super simple…then you start bring out the Dot Products and Cross products, Vector projection…
My head hurts
I still cant understand what’s a dot product. Looking it up on internet didn’t help. Is there someone who could explain what it is in plain English? Is it even possible?
Dot product multiplies the length(magnatude) of 2 vectors together by the cosine(angle) between them to …don’t quote me on this but…give you the length in between them as if both are pointing the same direction, this is why it is also called Inner Product. If you have 2 vectors at a 90 degree angle, the dot product is 0 because Vector A gets rotated 90 degrees, thus the 2 vectors are overlapping, 0 distance between them
Thanks. I understand it a little better now, I think…
Basically dot product is about detecting if two vectors are colinear. If you want to create a rock material with snow on top, you can compute the dot product of the normal vector (face direction) and the “up” vector (z axis, pointing upwards), and use the result to blend your snow layer : 0 means no snow, 1 means snow. You will probably want to tweak the result but that’s really the gist of it.
Cross product is less common in my experience, but it’s useful for collisions, projectiles…
See this : Practical use of Vector Math in Games - Math and Physics - Tutorials - GameDev.net
Yeah I totally bummed that one then.
If you Acos(FVector::Dotproduct(UpVector,CurrentFloor.HitResult.Normal)) it gives you the angle of the surface you are standing on as a float I believe