How do I get materialX to work in UE? I have a USD scene with materialX mats and for the love of god I can’t get them to show in UE5.
Hi UE_Flavien,
I’m wondering if I could reachout and understand the MaterialX Pipeline with unreal if you have any insights.
We have a working group of a few studios, who are looking to work with a USD MatX Unreal pipeline but have been having trouble, with simular issues outlined in this post and others.
I’m having this same issue. I’m exporting from Solaris to Unreal USD Stage. I set the mtx context before importing the usd file. Everything works but it only recognizes the Color and Roughness textures in the generated material based on the USD Preview master material. In the usd stage the materials know about the path to the Normal map just like it knows about the color and roughness but for some reason it’s not importing it and turning it on on the material.
Any tips to get this working would be appreciated.