I’m going to start a new project soon (when I get my new gpu hopefully within the week) that is going to require me making a lot of materials (specifically natural ones like dirt/rocks/snow/water/etc).
I’ll post at the “What are you working on” regularly about it once I start it, but the premise of it is an Auto Terrain type but with biomes based on longitude/latitude and axial tilt the user gives, and maybe even depending on planet size/distance from sun etc once everything else works and it will only require the user to give a heightmap or build a terrain inside the editor (as I’m too uncomfortable playing with runtime mesh component to emulate WM inside ue4).
I’ll start by creating all the materials I need for all the biomes I’ll use (14 biggest ones found on earth) and then I’ll move on to the blueprints once I’m finished with the art. I planned on making it and releasing it for free once done (or gumtree pay what you want), but I’m a foreign student and I found out a few days ago that I’ll have serious financial troubles quite soon to the point that I don’t know if I’m going to be able to continue the studies so I thought I might try and sell the materials in small packs to get some extra income if it’s going to help at all. I’m not hoping or expecting to gain much money if anything from it but I don’t want to leave any options unchecked.
The materials will vary from simple ones to complex ones to substance ones (whatever works for the visual quality I need for my project (going for realism)).
I understand that materials is probably something easy for most people but I wanted to check if people want them in the marketplace. The rest of the project, I can still upload it once it’s finished but that will take a lot of time until I’m happy with the result.
If people want it and I DO sell them, I’d like some input on the packs. I was thinking of 3 different ways and I don’t know what’s better. Either one huge pack at the end with everything, or smaller packs by biomes, or by function (rock pack or wood pack or dirt pack and so on and so forth).
I understand that since this is a huge project I’d be better off in patreon and release it for free rather than spamming marketplace, but I’m bad with video creation/streaming etc so I thought I’d limit myself to the marketplace.
What are your thoughts? Do we need a big collection of nature materials (and models in case of rocks for example, but can’t sell speedtree stuff) in the marketplace? Or I’d better keep it to myself?
***PS For people who want other kinds of materials.
This is a project I’m doing for myself and I will do it either way. Just wanted to gauge interest and see if I could make some extra money with it. If there’s a huge interest for materials (I doubt it), I could go on and do some other stuff like manmade materials (concrete, asphalt etc) or scifi stuff and so on. I’d prefer to be focused on my project tho’, unless the interest is enough to support a big part of my studies and I HIGHLY doubt that to the point I’m not even thinking about it at the moment.