I am pretty new to all this. I have started importing some of my friends architectural models into Unreal, we have a workflow that is going from Revit -> 3dsMax -> Unreal.
When I import the models the size is fine but the material when I put them on are small. I can fix this by changing the texture coordinates to something like 0.01.
My question is, is there something I can do about this? Or is there a setting in Revit which could be causing this? Or is this just the norm and should I just get used to changing the texture coordinates?
Normally you set the size with your UV map -> so get the texture into your 3d program and correctly uv map your mesh.
Otherwise just change it with the texture coordinate node
In our workflow, we scale the UVs of every single object to be the same (relative to a predetermined scale). This means many of the UV shells extend outside the 0-1 border, but oh well. Then inside the engine, we handle extra scaling in the material with the Texture Coordinate node like said.
If you want something where you can change scale in real time without saving the material, follow these steps:
Hold “U” and click in the material editor to make Texture Coordinate node.
Hold “S” and click to create a Scalar Parameter that you can name.
Hold “M” to create a Multiply node
Multiply the Texture Coordinate by the Scalar Parameter and plug it into the UVs of your texture.
Save the material. Right-click on it in the content browser and create a material instance.
Apply that material instance to an object, and then open it to edit the scale in real time in the editor (or programmed through gameplay).
This is what I think we need to do, I have done uv unwrapping in 3ds and all the uv maps are different sizes because of the different size of the meshes.
How can I set the scale to be the same in 3ds do you know?
When we have multiple people working on multiple assets, we have a standard scale. We create a 4x4 plane and assign the default checker pattern (in Maya). Then we assign the checker pattern to the asset and scale its UVs manually until they are the same size (by eye).
If someone has a better solution, that would be cool.