Hello all, maybe here someone could help me find proper directions.
I’m looking some → checked resources <-, to create “materials” for assets, like in game Outer Worlds. Is don’t matter this will be free or not. I would be grateful for any links to courses/books/youtube/www sites/tutorials or other.
I’m more of a blueprint creator than a content creator, I’ve tried looking for useful stuff, found a few that wasted a few hours, and after “pipeline involvement” in my game they aren’t even similar. So if there is someone here with better experience than me, and I’m sure there will be someone, I’ll ask for some tips.
I will try to describe it, but without knowing the concepts in graphics, I will write it with a simple example. Materials seem to be more saturated and colorful, as if they were more alive/animated. Kind of in the middle between low-poly and photorealistic
Based on the materials of stone or some trees. I put the image in the upper left corner is what I usually manage to get using some content from marketplace, and what it looks like in the outer world which is on UE4 as far as I know.
I’d say it’s mainly two things, color saturation and the color of the directional light. The materials themselves look quite basic, deliberately probaby.