Materials Break When Importing An FBX Model From Blender

Hey everyone, I’m very new to this field so please excuse me if I have batantly done something wrong or am currently doing something wrong.

Whenever I try to import an FBX model from blender, it turns from looking like this:

Into this:

And I’m not sure if theres some sort of error happening during the exporting process, or an error in the importing process. Or maybe UE5 can’t handle the textures? I have no clue.

Here are the export from blender settings:


And here are the import into UE5 settings:

Appreciate any help given, cheers.

The materials don’t make it. You have to export the textures from Blender, and make the material in UE.

So wait, I’m sorry but I’m confused between textures and materials. So you’re saying that I have to export the textures seperately from blender as its own file, and then re-make the material in UE?

So essentially, model my model in blender, and texture it/put a material on it in UE


The textures are the bare albedo, normal etc. You need to make the material using these textures in UE.

Ahh I see. Is this just because unreals node thingies are different to blenders? and so it doesn’t take it properly?

Correctemo… :slight_smile:

Awesome, thanks man!

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There is also this, I don’t know how much use it is…

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