Hi there…
Currently, I’m trying to create a Hold Indicator Material (like a Cooldown overlay, just for the Hold Action of an Input).
This is my Slot Widget, I want the Material to be added to:
This is the Graph of this Slot Widget, to Construct and to update the Material:
The material and its Instance:
The Custom Nodes Code:
Coordinates= (Coordinates- float2(0.5, 0.5))*2;
Coordinates= float2(-Coordinates.y, Coordinates.x*CCC);
float PercRad = radians(Percentage*360);
float3 Pointer = float3(cos(PercRad), sin(PercRad), 0);
float3 Coordinate3D = float3(Coordinates.x, Coordinates.y, 0);
float3 CrossProduct = cross(Coordinate3D , Pointer);
float Value = 0;
if(Pointer.y > 0){
if(CrossProduct.z > 0 && Coordinates.y > 0){
Value = 1;
if(CrossProduct.z > 0 || Coordinates.y > 0){
Value = 1;
return Value;
The Material works well, can try it in the Instance by changing Percentage.
And it works for the Orange Hue set in the “UpdateHold” Event.
Whenever the Material should get a different color than that Orange, the Indicator is just invisible… but the HoldIDs are printed correctly as 13 for Orange (works) and 14 for blue (works not)…
Even when I change the Color of 13, to f.e. pink… the Indicator is not rendered in that color… but invisible…
I also asked that in the Discord some Time ago… still no answer… maybe you Guys know what is wrong here…