Material with Texture created in UE5 on importet Mesh (fbx from blender) not working


I tried to find a solution for many hours, but I didn’t. So I try it here.

I created a big 2-dimensional plane with many vertices in blender. I didn’t do anything with materials or textures. I just created the mesh. I exported the mesh as fbx and imported it in UE5. That works.

When I try to add a texture in UE5 that doesn’t work. I don’t see the texture, I see just a single color.

For testing I created a new material with just a Texture-sample-Node (with the texture image) connected to the BaseColor-slot of the material. But this also doesn’t work. I see just one color on the mesh, not the texture.

If I create a new plane in UE5 the same material works fine. I see the texture.

How can I fix this? What do I do wrong?


I found the solution on my own.

Somehow the UV’s were broken. I think, this already happend in Blender.

The Solution was to select the mesh in UE5, go to Modeling Mode > UVs > Project.

Now the texture is shown correctly.

Yes. Even if you don’t texture in 3D app (like Blender) you do need to create UV’s. Blender creates UV map automatically for some base meshes.

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