Material Time in Sequencer

Is there a way to keep things like sprite sheets in sync with sequencer time?

Time based materials work on engine time, but how can I control their progress in sequencer so that they are not always playing?

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what if you try a scalar value instead of time, and just key that in sequencer?

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Of coarse, so simple! It works but not with the values I would have expected: 0-10 for a 20 second animation looks about correct, I expected it would be more like 0-480 @ 24 fps. All the same, this should do the trick.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Digging up an old topic but it’s still relevant.

I use unreal for movie renders, sometimes a render will fail and I need to restart it, problem is the wind on foliage uses time nodes for its motion, meaning that in order for the wind to be at the same position each time, the render has to start at the same position as before, meaning I have to ditch all the frames I’ve already rendered and re-render them.

I’ve tried replacing the time nodes in all of the wind materials and material functions for a collection parameter that’s keyframed in the sequencer (This usually works for time based effects) but for some reason it didn’t work, it broke the foliage, the leaves lost their materials and turned grey! I’ve no idea why. Maybe I missed a time node somewhere, or it’s something more complex.

It would be great if there was some way that the time node could use the sequencer to determine its value. If anyone has any ideas or info on this I’d love to hear about it.

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You could use a scalar collection param instead of the “time” node, and set keyframe in sequencer.
like this: