Changing the material preview settings has no effect in UE4.18, it’s always a sphere. I’ve found a similar bug report from 4.9 but this is 4.18. Also the workaround at that time was to enable the thumbnail edit mode, but in 4.18 preview 4 it does not make the sphere appear on the thumbnail.
I’ve tested this issue in 4.18 Preview 4 and I am unable to replicate it. The materials preview settings showed cubes, cylinders, and others for me. Could you please provide your dxdiag and the steps you took when encountering this issue? That way I can try and replicate it again on our end.
I hope there is anything you need.
I’ve just opened a material in a new third person person project and edited the thunmbnail part of the detail panel. If I enable the thumbnail edit mode I can’t see the shape option on the thumbnail, which I can in 4.17, but only with the primitive shapes.
On the first picture you can see that there is no result with primitive shape, on the second you can see that nothing happens either with a custom mesh. I’ve reproduce the bug on two computers.
Hey I was able to reproduce this. I have logged it into Jira as a bug report and that number is JIRA UE-51571 . Our Developers will investigate it further so please refer to the link for updates.
Thank you very much!
Hey @ Z This is happening to me also. I’m setting the default plane to my material. Then, I don’t set anything else, not a preview mesh substitute. After saving the material the preview is not updated, and when opening it again, the thumbnail is still set to Sphere.
It’s been backlogged! jeez