I have recently noticed in UE5, I am unable to set parameter group sort order. There used to be a section for this when you clicked on the material output node. Is there no longer the ability to set a sort order for parameter groups?
Just so we are on the same page: When you create a material instance and open that window, it will show your parameters. Those parameters can be placed into groups / categories. Are you missing those groups?
As far as I know, they are still there and work the same ways as they did in Unreal Engine 4.
No, they do not work the same way. I can create groups for parameters, however, you can no longer set the sort priority for groups. You now have to prefix group name with a number as it sorts alphanumerically. The material options used to have a section for groups where you could set priority for each group and that section is missing to set group sort priority.
Hmm, I don’t think groups had any sort priority. I have been using the first Unreal Engine version released and I have not ever seen sorting priority by groups. I have always had to take the prefix group name into account when “organizing” my materials.
Can you please send a screenshot of where you would usually set it before?
I had no idea, thank you for sharing!
I have a different issue than yours, I can find the Group Sorting section but the interface works strange compared to what I expect. When selecting the main output node; I get one Parameter Group per parameter and not per group.
I have 4 parameters, and it shows 4 indexes in the Group Sorting:
However, it still works somewhat:
I am using 5.0.3.
After further testing thought that the current flow would allow me to create multiple groups of the same name in various orders, but that doesn’t work.
The I think the indexes play some role in the of the placement of groups. In this case:
Index 1 seem to take priority over Index 2:
I really don’t know what is going on…
It does show multiples of groups as it shows the group for each parameter. The sortin takes the value of the first setting. So, the first appearance of a group in the list is the one that determines the sort order for that group, and i believe afer you save and close asset and reopen, it will show correct sort number for rest of items in that group
hope that makes sense
I see, did you manage to get yours working?
No, thats why I have this post, the entire option is missing
Yes there is another thread aswell Group Sorting in unreal 5.1 - #3 by JuarezFerraz
It seems it has been completely removed after Unreal 5.1
No developer has reacted though.
The workaround this is to ad numbers in front of the group names. Exapmle: 1. Base 2. Secondary 3. Top and etc.
Yes, i am aware, but this is not what I want to do
Reviving this thread to share an update. This issue has been addressed by the team, and has been marked as fixed (public issue tracking link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-176110)). Estimated release to include the change is 5.5.