So, I like this Material system of Material Layer and Material Layer Blend.
For learning to create an AutoMaterial, I have/am following tutorials like those from Unreal Sensei and Ben Cloward on Youtube. They are very nice, but noticed they are a bit ‘outdated’. Copy/pasting nodes just to add a new layer of material.
Then I came accross a tutorial of UNDINI: 4: Materials Layers - Next-Gen Landscape Material in Unreal
I like the use of Layer Parameters in here. And it is working great. I’ve managed to bits and pieces from the first 2 and ‘convert’ them into the way UNDINI is using them.
For Material Layers, regarding the Layer Parameters, everthing works great and it’s so easy to add or remove layers.
The problems begin with the Material Layer Blend (MLB).
- First of, as you can only have 1 MLB per layer, how can I get the blend to work based on height and/or slope. As I currently have to have either a MLB_Height or a MLB_Slope.
- If I try to paint a layer on my landscape, to override a material, that section either gets painted in its entiry (so I’m left with a big square patch of that material) or it doesn’t paint at all.
- There is also this nice method, also used by Ben Cloward, to use the Height/Displacement map (or Normals) to blend the fallof of one layer with another in a realistic way, using the Blend Type Height blend. But as I’m using Material Layer Blend, I can’t find anything on how to get that done, as all the tutorials I’m finding are doing it the ‘traditional way’.
I’m at a point where I’m running in circles and my Blueprints are getting messed up. Is there anyone who is familiar with the ML and MLB way of creating Landscape AutoMaterials?