Material Issue after importation from archicad 25 to twinmotion new update

I have encounters major issue regarding my file after the new update version of twinmotion, specifically

on materials of my model when I imported it to twinmotion, I have experience some vertical line on my model materials and I cant figure it out what is the problem of it all about, I currently using archicad 25 for my model and datasmith for link, I will attach sample to see what is all about, please looking forward for answer. thank u, have a bless day.


Thank you for reaching out in the community, please know that this is a known issue that we are currently investigating.

In the meantime, please try the following:

  • Adjust the Camera > Near clipping slider
  • Enable Depth of field and adjust the DOF settings
  • Ensure that the model is close to, or centered on the origin point(0,0,0) in it's original software
  • If you are needing to scale the model, it may be helpful to do so in the original software before importing as well

Best Regards,
