Material is tiled on wall - please help

I imported a 1024 x 1024 image as a texture. I created a new material and used that texture as the base color. When I try to apply the material to a wall it is tiled instead of 1 image.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :slight_smile:

“Female game developers rock!”

Add a texutre coordinate node into your material and then just scale it up until it fits the wall -> that’s the easiest solution

I added a TexCoord, but it still won’t work no matter what I change things to.

I am using a 1024x1024 texture on a basic 500x500 wall. This should be quite simple to figure out, but it is getting frustrating…

“Female game developers rock!”

Is the “basic 500x500” wall a BSP in-editor created volume, or is it a static mesh?

If you created the wall in the editor you should be able to scale the UV co-ordinates from the “details” tab (when the wall is selected)

Even when you set it to 0.1? Because I have tried it out some sec. ago and it worked ^^

It’s the Wall_500x500 (Static Mesh) found under Architecture in the sample levels…

“Female game developers rock!”

I am playing around with the Details panel on the TexCoord. Are you setting both UTiling and VTiling to 0.1?

“Female game developers rock!”

When you want to keep the proportions, then yes :slight_smile:

What is the value in “Coordinate Index” at? Because it’s still not working for me…

I’ll note that I have a border line at the top of the texture, so I can tell it’s not showing up right on the wall.

“Female game developers rock!”

Well I made it work taking another route. I used a Box brush, set my texture properly on it and converted it to a static mesh with the correct UV and light map settings.

Seems to work well at this point…:slight_smile:

“Female game developers rock!”