Material following camera's position?

I’m trying to recreate the effect of GoldSource Engine 2D skyboxes:

As you can see, the texture in the sky follow’s player’s position, as if the sky was attached to the player.
Right now I’m mimicking this effect by simply enclosing the whole level within a textured cube, but it’s very easy to see the odd perspective on the walls at hard angles. I was wondering, is there a way to re-create this effect within a material? I know there are material nodes that can extract camera world position and ones that can shift the polygons of a mesh, but I’m not sure how to utilize them properly to achieve this effect

The effect is typically called Parallaxing. I did something like this with a 2D game I had. Basically the further away the skybox is, the less movement it has. So simply changing the scale, will impact the movement of it.