Material face camera not working in cinematic

I’m a beginner and I would like a character to have smoke coming out of his helmet. To simulate it, I want a plane with a texture to follow the camera at all times so that it is always in front of it (what is apparently called “material face camera”), something I have achieved. The real problem is that, in the tests I’ve done, when I animate the helmet in a cinematic the effect is lost.

I leave the code here but clearly it’s not the problem because the effect works fine. I could use the “objectOrientation” node connected to “normalizedRotationAxis” but it doesn’t work for me for some reason and it seems that the problem still persists in the kinematics.

Any advice is welcome,
Thanks in advance.

Hi José Tijerín,

I see it’s using your UV coords to find the pivot point - is that set correctly? seeing as it’s working in the editor I’m guessing so - but what happens if you just replace that code (going into the pivot point of the rotateaboutaxis) with just an objectpivotpoint?

I probably misunderstood you, but I put that node and the whole thing went completely wrong.

(That’s the smoke, yes)

I’ve tried other combinations but it doesn’t improve.

Maybe I have put the wrong node

Yes, just straight into the “PivotPoint” pin on there - 3rd one down - you’ve plugged it into the RotationAxis…

I’ve done it but it still doesn’t work, can you think of any other idea? maybe there is another way to join two 3D models or to make a cinematic.

Another way could be to use sockets - add sockets to your mesh in the StaticMesh editor and move them to the positions you want the smoke, then you can get the sockets world location.

Weird, I’ve added a sockets with a plane with the same smoke texture in movement, but it doesn’t appear if it’s not inside the bones window of the character. Also, how do I do the “sockets world location”?