Material error X4510 [wrinkle map]

I’ve successfully set up a wrinkle map material, but with all the necessary wrinkle/normal maps, I’m hitting the maximum number of 16 texture samplers but I need more. Any idea how to get around this issue?

Right now I have two ideas in mind regarding you question :

1 - Make an atlas texture, you can make 4 (or more) wrinkle maps as one texture and use coordinate nodes (to change the tilling) with specific offsets to get back a quarter map as a full 0-1 UV Space.

2 - Get rid of the blue channel, pack 1 texture (RG) in the the Red+Green of the texture, and another map (RG) in the Blue+Alpha. Then recompute the normal in the shader for each map (from two vectors with a component mask node). I believe there is already a dedicated node for computing a normal map from only two vectors.

Yeah, I already changed the system to take advantage of channels. An obvious solution, it just somehow didn’t come to mind yesterday. But thanks for your suggestions Fabrice!