Material: define reflection or mapping for reflection

In Twinmotion 2023.1 Preview 2 i dont found in Material Editor the point for define reflection or texture for refelction map.

Thanks for Help.


Hi ,

In the new UI in 2023.1 Preview 2, the Reflection parameter for materials has been replaced with the Roughness parameter. You can adjust the Roughness of a material to achieve everything you could with the old Reflection parameter. The only thing to take note of is that Roughness is the inverse of Reflection, so a Roughness of 100% is equivalent to a Reflection of 0% in the old UI.



Please correct me if I'm using textures wrong in Twinmotion

Texture-diffuse -> color/Details Texture

Texture-glossiness -> ??? Roughness -> Details Texture

Texture-bump -> ???

Texture-normal -> Normal -> Details Texture

Texture-reflection ???


Hi ,

Diffuse = Color > Texture

Bump/Normal = Normal > Texture

Glossiness/Reflection = Roughness > Texture (Reflection/glossiness being the inverse of roughness)

I hope that helps,



I use PBR-Textures and it will be 5 textures.

  1. diffuse
  2. glossiness
  3. height
  4. normal
  5. reflection

I know to use

  1. diffuse -> Color->Texture
  2. glosseiness -> Roughness
  3. height -> ???
  4. normale -> normal ->Texture
  5. reflection -> ???

I dont know where i can use heigts and refelction.


So i think the way ist it by

  1. diffuse = Color > Texture
  2. glossiness = Roughness
  3. height = Normal Parallaxe
  4. normal = Normal Card
  5. reflection = Emmitierend

Please correct my ifit is wrong


Hi ,

Everything is correct except:

  • Reflection = Roughness. Emissive is for glow maps where you want to apply luminance to a material. Reflection is managed by the Roughness setting where 0% roughness = 100% reflection.
  • I'm not entirely sure what your glossiness maps look like, but they may be Glossiness = Metallic since your reflection map is a different map.

I hope that helps.

