I’ve been searching for a solution for 2 days now and finally give up. No idea why Unreal is doing this. It’s a fresh install and I’m just following Unreal Sensei’s tutorial. For some reason the shading looks pixelated. Any idea how to fix this? I’m a new user so I haven’t messed with any settings, everything is default.
Time to check things step by step :).
Does this happen with a material which as only its diffuse pin attached to the yellow? Reason for this is that other pins like the normal map can look like this if you hook something blocky or badly compressed into it.
Is this related to the engine scalability settings?
Scalability Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation
I don’t see this pixely shadow effect on the plane beneath the sphere, so I’d suspect the material settings if the above isn’t it.
Sorry I can’t reply back to you right away. The system keeps waiting for a mod to approve it.
Took me forever to finally find where that Scalability Reference is. In it is says everything is set to EPIC. Weirdly when I put it on low it actually looked a bit better. But I’m guessing that isn’t the solution.
For the Pins, I took the Yellow off. And it still has it on there.
It feels like there is some kind of view/rendering setting that isn’t set correctly. The object itself is just a single plain sphere.
Can you show a screenshot of the material? Best unplug everything and test if the problem remains
I’ll add, I went ahead and just added a sphere in to the world without doing anything else and it shows that jaggedness as well on it.
Btw, thank you for trying to help me.
Quick google shows me people report similar issues when using a low res light map or when they have to rebuild the lighting.
I’m not that familiar with that topic though.
*Edit I wonder if it could be the lightmap UV of that mesh itself. Tried it with a custom model?
I feel like it has something to do with the view settings. I also get weird artifacts and strange dithering in parts. See example:
I looked through your UV Lightmap but I don’t know why that would apply here, there is no “mesh” on the sphere now. It’s just a white empty sphere. Unless I don’t know what I’m talking about, I am a noob at this.
I found others having the same problem now. Just took the right search words. Using “blocky shadows” as you suggested brought up a slew of others complaining about the same thing. Going to go through those, see if any of those options works.
errr a sphere is a mesh :). Hope you find a solution, I am out of ideas.