Matching Cinematic to Gameplay Cameras

I’m having difficulty matching gameplay camera settings to sequencer camera settings. Their information is displayed in completely different ways and there are a lot of fields that just are not shared between the two for some bizarre reason.

For the gameplay camera I got:

FOV= 60°
Sensor width= 24.576mm (in the DOF field so I’m not sure if it’s the same as the cine filmback)
squeeze Factor=1

I didn’t see any other values that seemed relevant in the BP. I tried to match that with my Cine camera.

Focal Length = ?
Sensor Width = 24.576mm (filmback)
Sensor Height = 13.8239 (for 16/9)
Squeeze Factor = 1
Crop = No

I then took these two formulas to get the Focal Length and convert it from pixels to mm. Assuming my Horizontal resolution is 1920pixels.

Focal Length(pixels) = (Horizontal Resolution/2)/Tan(FOV/2)

Focal Length(mm) = Focal Length(pixels)*SensorWidth(mm)/ImageWidth(pixel)

That gave me a Focal Length of 21.28. I plug that in and… it doesn’t look right. Eyeballing it it seems closer to 17.36. I don’t know what I’m missing.

I just don’t know how to pull the right info from the gameplay camera, it just seems sealed away.