Match Weapon Position UE5 - Maya


I have a question, how can I match exact position and rotation of weapon in maya and ue? I’ve created a weapon in maya (skeletal mesh) and animated it, now after imported to ue I need to create a socket for weapon, but how can I exactly match position from maya in ue?

Thanks in advance!

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I’m looking for this solution too! :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

I think I’ve found the solution - import weapon to scene → group 2 times (first group name “Origin”, second “Socket”) → parent constraint group “Origin” to skeleton hand - > use group “socket” to position the weapon - > animate, then in ue import weapon without scene conversion - > create socket for hand → copy values from group “socket” but on axis “y” use reversed value → done

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Hi there,
Here is the basic workflow in case you’re still having the issue.

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That video is almost completely unrelated/says nothing about what OP asked, which is how to match a ue4 socket with the socket/weapon position you have in your 3D Program.

They way I figured this was: import the mesh in the scene, parent constraint to the desired bone, freeze transforms, parent it to the bone, freeze transforms again. And now you have a socket equivalent. Moving the mesh around and rotating it you can then copy the values into a zeroed socket on the same bone in Unreal, and it will be identical. The only other thing is adding minuses to one or more of the rotations or translations after pasting them, I think that depends on your import settings or scene settings.

I’m confirming this because it took me 2 days of pain figuring it out, I thought the bone orientations were wrong, the sockets were wrong, the skeleton was wrong, I troubleshooted a million possible issues. It was just adding minuses to the correct axis until it matched.