Master sequence uses the wrong camera

Hi, I have an master sequence just before I start the game (begin play). The sequence does begin in the game. But the camera is the player default camera, not the cinematic one. If I link a Level Sequence, not the Master, just a single camera cut plays perfectly. I am looking at what error I have in the “Master”. In addition to all the added individual shots, the image that should appear in the thumbnail from each of them appears in gray.

This also happens if I render the master sequence. Use the wrong camera on all shots. To see the master well I can only see it in the editor when I select the cinecam instead of the Perspective, in the viewport. Or in the game if I reproduce a level sequence (single shot), instead of activating a master.

Any suggestion?

Level Blueprint

Master Sequence played

Level Sequence (Shot 1)

Thank you!
Have a good day

I have already solved this! After trying everything, I leave the solution here in case someone has the same problem.


  1. In the level sequence, delete the camera cut block in the timeline.
  2. In the camera cuts press the + and link the camera “existing biding → this sequence”, find the current camera of the sequence.
  3. This generates a new block, this time the thumbnails do appear.
  4. If this sequence belongs to another, automatically the master will also work with the linked camera.

To my understanding the problem was clear, the camera cut of the sequence had lost the link to the camera. By not having that link established, when playing it used the default camera (player).

Thank you, have a nice day! :slight_smile:


Thank you for the update.