Master Branch Dependency Confusion

I am having problems running a build using the branch due to what appears to be out of date files.
I have some questions about keeping current on the branch.

Are the 4.4.2 release required files the correct ones to be using to compile against as of now?
How should I handle updating required files as they are released?
Is the correct procedure to extract them over previous releases?

Edit: The download has completed and there seems to be a missing namespace reference in one of the third party dlls that is causing build to fail.
Is the best place to discuss such issues?

Edit Edit: The right files appear to be the preview build as I thought, I thought I was up to date with these but appears not. Downloading now.

You will want to use the latest-preview tag of and the provided latest-preview zipfiles. Mixing and matching any release build zips with the source will rarely work. Likewise checking out the head tends to not work with the latest-preview zips so the most bleeding edge you can reasonably get is latest-preview.

/ Kyle

If you are receiving 3 errors and one of them mentions oculus rift, see my post below, I got a response and a link for the files from answerhub, they weren’t included for some reason. Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

**EDIT - Here is the download link to the files for anyone else needing them (unzip them into your engine folder the same as the required files):

I still couldn’t get it to build after updating everything. I’m trying a clean build of both android and win64 now.

Gone out while I’m waiting.

I either need to get myself a t-shirt with "I’m not slacking, I’m waiting for Unreal engine to compile ", or Epic need to provide remote access to their build server I think . :wink:

Quite painful, hopefully I can get it to play nice by the end of the day.

I’m trying bleeding edge, if it doesn’t work I’ll try the preview release.